Zakât Calculation

Zakât Nisâb
Equivalent to 96 gr grams of gold TL
The nisâb of gold is 96 grams. Since the Ottoman and Republican gold coins both weigh one and a half mithqals and one gold coin weighs 7.20 grams, the amount of nisâb is 20 ÷ 1.5 or 13.3 gold coins. 13.3 gold coins weighs 96 grams. In other words, it is fard to give zakât for one who owns thirteen and one third (13.3) gold coins or its paper money equivalent.
Calculation time : 16.10.2024 - 01:30
Gram gold price : TL
Zakât of Gold, Silver and Commercial Property :
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Living or non-living, every kind of property, such as salts obtained from earth or from the sea, oxides, petroleum and the like, when they are bought for trade, that is, for selling, become commercial property. Gold and silver are always commercial property for whatever purpose they are bought.
Zakât of Paper Money :
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It is necessary to give zakât of paper money, too. It is written in Arabic in (Miftâh-us-sa’âda), “If the value of copper coins termed fulûs amounts to two hundred dirhams of silver when calculated with silver, it is necessary to give one-fortieth of the silver equivalent of those fulûs as their zakât.” Hence it is understood that zakât of paper money is to be given in gold. It cannot be given in paper money.
Zakât of Crops (Ushr) :
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It is fard also to pay ushr. The zakât of production obtained from one’s land is termed Ushr. Even a person in debt has to pay ’ushr. Imâm-i-a’zam says, “Whether in a large or small amount, when any kind of vegetable or fruit is obtained from the earth it is fard to give its one-tenth or its equivalent in gold or silver to poor Muslims.” When the produce is obtained from land which is irrigated by animal power, a waterwheel or machinery, one-twentieth of it is given. Whether one-tenth or one-twentieth, it should be given before deducting what is spent on animals, seeds, tools, fertilizer chemicals and workers.
Crop 1
Crop 2
Crop 3
Crop 4
Zakât of Quadruped Animals :
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It is written in the book Mawqûfât: “If those animals that graze in the fields free of charge for more than half of the year are intended for breeding [or for milk], they are termed Sâima animals. One year after the number of the sâima animals has reached the amount of nisâb their zakât is to be given. If they are intended for wool, for burden or for transportation, they are not termed sâima and zakât is not necessary.” Sâima animals of different families, such as camels and cattle, are not added to one another or to other commercial goods.
  • Zakât is not to be given for four camels. The nisâb for camels is five.
  • The nisâb for cattle is thirty. A person who has fewer than thirty heads of cattle does not give zakât for them.
  • The nisâb for sheep is forty. A person who has fewer than forty sheep does not give zakât for them. The zakâts of sheep and goats are the same, whether they are male or female.
  • Their zakât is necessary when the male and female horses are fed together for breeding in the fields. Zakât is not necessary if they are intended for transportation or for carrying things. Zakât is not fard for a person who has only male horses [stallions]. For he cannot breed them.

  • It was during the month of Ramadân in the second year of the Hegira when it became fard to give zakât. Zakât has one fard: It is to reserve at a certain time a certain amount of one’s property of zakât, which is one’s full property and which has reached the amount of nisâb (Nisâb means border. The border between richness and poverty prescribed by Islam is termed nisâb.) , with the intention of zakât, and to give it to those prescribed Muslims as commanded. Full property means one’s own property which has come through halâl (legitimate) means and which is possible and halâl (permitted) for one to use.
  • The ’ulamâ of the Hanafî Madhhab stated that it is fard for every male or female Muslim who is mukallaf, that is, who is discreet and has reached the age of puberty [the age when he or she has begun to become junub and must perform the ablution of ghusl], and who is free, to give zakât when he or she has the conditions. To give zakât it is necessary to put the goods into the poor person’s possession, that is, to hand them to him.
In all the four Madhâhib (Madhhabs), there are four types of property of zakât:
  1. Quadruped animals that graze freely in the fields for the major part of the year.
  2. Gold and silver.
  3. Commercial property or commodity which is bought for trade and kept for trade.
  4. Things coming out from all kinds of land that are watered by rains, rivers or brooks and which are not taxed with kharâj, (even if they are not kinds of land with Ushr), or from the land belonging to a Waqf (pious foundation). Their zakât is termed Ushr.

Book : Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss, Hakikat Kitabevi, Istanbul.
Zakât is given only to the Muslims existing in the seven groups written below.
  1. Faqîr (The poor): A person who has property more than his subsistence but less than the amount of nisâb is termed faqîr.
  2. Miskîn (The needy): A Muslim who has no more than one day’s subsistence is termed miskîn.
  3. Âmil (Zakât collectors): This term is used for the Sâ’î, who collects zakâts of the beasts of Sâima and the produce of the earth, and the Âshir, who lives outside town and collects zakât of commercial property from the tradesmen he meets; they are given zakât in return for their work, even if they are rich.
  4. Mukâteb (Indentured servant): The slave who has been bought by his master and who will be manumitted when he pays his debt.
  5. Munqati’: Those who are on the way of jihâd or hajj and who are in need.
  6. Medyûn (Insolvent debtor): Those Muslims who are in debt and cannot pay their debts.
  7. Ibnus-sebîl (The wayfarer): The person who is rich in his homeland but who has no property left with him in the city where he lives now or the person who has many dues but cannot get them and therefore is in need.

Book : Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss, Hakikat Kitabevi, Istanbul.